Saturday, December 1, 2007

nutty professor

no this post is nothing about the movie, in fact I dont even remember what happened in the movie coz it was so long ago..

anyways the professor/academic advisor that I chose for my final project has turned into a crazyhead. He was quite helpful before however I kind of knew that he was so late in replying to any of the emails etc. since he was the best fit for my project I chose him. biggest mistake ever!

In the middle of the semester there was no way I could contact him to see what I was doing wrong and what the strong points were.. I was more interested in hearing where I have to improve etc.. had to send like five emails for him to reply and say sorry I have been busy?!?! wtf man you become an advisor to advise students, and the poor students are looking up to you and expect some kind of guidance to end this damn misery they are in.. you go MIA for a month and a half of the thirteen week semester and that's your best excuse?!!?

now it's almost the end of it he expects me to have everything ready as he had expected? and so now i'm in the hot seat coz he shows me the short comings which he should've showed ages ago and I could've improved and improvised the damn project...

argh why does everything happen to meee.... I'll be glad when this is over..

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